Friday, November 11, 2011 ~ 3:04 AM 0 Comments

Ibu: Awak tahu dekat luar dapur ade ikan bandar raya ?
Me: Tak.
Ibu: Awak mmg tak keluar rumah eh ?
Me: Tak.
Ibu: Nanti sampai rumah pergi tgk
Me: Okay.

Im not impressed with ikan bandar raya unless they were in my room but yeah, mesti lah nak tengok rupa ikan tu. I was shocked to see that those ikan bandar raya was quite big. Kind of geli. Then i wonder -->

Me: Bu, those fish are dead !
Ibu: Ikan bandar raya mane mati
Me: *sigh. Every living things mati lah bu.
Ibu: *sepak sepak tong* Eh yeah lah !
Me: Grr sian gilaa. Tanak tgk ah.

Then i walk into my house and have a pizza as my meal. Yes, as i was saying on top, i was soo done with dead things. I dont care seeing dead bodies infront of me but the feeling i get was quite a nightmare. The fish was flooting on the surface, some sink to the bottom, others just continue their live like they never know the dead fishes, infact they really didnt know i predict.

Dead things make me wonder bout missy. How i wish she was still here.


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Tuan RUmah Ake BleUs YeyEy

|Aqel| |18 y/o| |Taken|

Ake BleUs YeyEy


Rumah yang terbengkalai
The birds are chipping loudly
I never saw it coming I should have started running
You are wrong if you think that I am strong
100 all the waaaaaaaaaaaay ! Hihi
Looking sick and sexy-fied
So put on your best, boys
You gotta let your feet off the ground
I never want to see you unhappy

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handsome :D
happy go lucky
baek hati
gila-gila @..@
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